Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Bell Work . . . September, 22nd 2016

BELL WORK - Watch the video below and answer the following questions:

1. What is an ellipses?
2. When do you use one?
3. Name two rules associated with using an ellipses. 


  1. An ellipses is three periods put together.
    You can use an ellipses when you pause on a thought or that words have been left out of the text.
    Ways to use ellipses are by showing the time that has passed and when they are pausing in dialogue.

  2. An ellipses is 3 dots that indicate something is happening.
    You use an ellipses to indicate the writer has hit pause on his or her thoughts.
    Also may mean words have been admitted from the text.
    You have to have 3 dots with spaces before and after with a space in between all. ( . . . )

  3. An ellipses is looks like 3 periods in a row (. . .) and is used to shorten sentences or quotes. It should no more/less than 3 dots, and it must have a space between each one.

  4. 1. It means that it can shorten a long run on sentence

    2. When you want to quote a sentence

    3. It has to have three dots and you only use it in a quote

  5. 1. three periods used to shorten parts of long run on sentences.

    2. you use it to pause in a sentence or shorten one.

    3. has to be three dots to be an ellipses, and is only used in a quote

  6. A ellipses indicates something happening. You are allowed to use it when using a quotation. 1 of the rules is, it has too be three dots with spaces before and after.

  7. 1. it can shorten a long run on sentence use it to pause in a sentence

    3. no more than three dots and use only in quotes

  8. An ellipses is the three little dots. You can use one when you want to take a break. An ellipses must be three dots and have spaces in between each dot.

  9. 1. an ellipses is three dots that shortens something
    2. to omit something, or shorten something
    3. space dot space dot space dot space

  10. An ellipses is to shorten a sentence and it is no more than 3 dots.

  11. 1. It shorten sentences with 3 dots with spaces between them
    2. When you want to shorten a sentence or a quote or pause your thought.
    3.Has to have 3 dots or 4 dots when you have a period. Must have spaces in the beginning,in between, and after the last dot.

  12. 1)Three dots that can shorten a run-on sentence.
    2) Taking a break in a sentence.
    3)To signal that the writer has hit the pause button on his or her thought process,or to indicate that words have been admitted from a piece of text.

  13. 1. An ellipses is three dots you use when you want to shorten a long sentence.
    2. To omit or shorten a long sentence.
    3. Has to have three dots and it has to have a space dot then another space three times.

  14. 1)3 dots that shorten a sentence
    2)to omit a word or pause
    3)It has to have spaces and be on one line

  15. 1) 3 dots that shorten a sentence 2) to omite a word or pause 3) It has to have spaces and be on one line

  16. An ellipses is three dots, but sometimes looks like 4 dots because one of them is a period. It is used when you pause in an sentence or to shorten a sentence.

  17. 1.An ellipses is where there are three dots that you can use them to make your point come faster than what it.
    2.To omit or shorten a huge sentence
    3.When you are quoting and the quote is really long. Also, when your trying to get your point over faster.

  18. 1. an ellipes is 3 dots to make your point be more obvious
    2. to shorten a sentence that is to long
    3. to make a quote smaller if is really long

  19. 1. an ellipses is the 3 dots you use in your writing.
    2.when you pause a sentence or shorten a sentence
    3.when you quote something that's really long but you want to get to your point so you use and ellipses

  20. An ellipses is something used to show a brake in a train of thought.

  21. 1. an ellipses is 3 points that make your point more obvious

  22. 1. an ellipses is the 3 dots you use in your writing.
    2.when you pause a sentence or shorten a sentence
    3.when you quote something that's really long but you want to get to your point so you use and ellipses

  23. 1. An ellipses is the three dots used in writing.
    2. When you are pausing or passing time.
    3. Must be only three dots, and must be used when needed
