Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Wednesday, October 26th

Let's Debate!!

Bell Work:

Take a look at your rubric for the class debate and watch the following video. Give Samantha Booke  a score for each category and provide criticism in your composition book. We will discuss what you decided to score it when everyone is finished.
Questions to consider:
1. What did you notice about the audience?
2. Which rhetorical strategies did she use?
3. Why do you think she feels so strongly about the issue?

Today's Goals:

* 10 Minute team meeting.
* Complete your debate preparation worksheet and put in your team's debate folder.
* Begin working on your portion of the speech. Remember to use your research notes and rhetorical strategies, keeping in mind the required length of your speech. It takes less than two minutes to read an entire page.
* Feel free to use the Tennessee Electronic Library database "Opposing Viewpoints" for additional facts and research.

Extra Credit:
1. Log onto Brainpop (username: rsmtn password: brainpop).
2. Click on "Writing" and choose "Debate".
3. Watch the movie and complete the worksheet from Mrs. Benavides. Be sure to explain HOW the vocaulary word relates to a debate/argumentative writing.

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