Thursday, April 14, 2016

Thursday, April 14th Bell Work

Biography/Interview Reflection

Goal: Reflect and explain what you learned about your career or university after studying/interviewing a person.

Studying Julian Beever has made me realize that art isn't just what you see in galleries. Art comes in many different forms. I agree with Beever when he says that art should be for everyone to enjoy. Also, while studying artists as a career, I always thought that success meant making large amounts of money and selling a multitude of pieces to galleries and collectors. After researching Beever, I have changed my mindset. I believe that artists may not feel the need to make a lot of money to become successful; instead, having your art admired my many, even if that means displaying it for free, is success in itself.  I also learned that defining art is quite difficult. Some people called Beever's work "graffiti", but isn't graffiti a form of art as well? I suppose art is in the eye of the beholder. Perhaps one day, graffiti and other unconventional art forms will be in galleries as well!

1. Locate some sophisticated vocabulary words in my reflection.
2. Locate an AWWUUBBIS sentence or a compound sentence in the reflection.
3. Which strategy did I use to conclude my reflection?
4. Find two sentences that I could have combined using a FANBOY. 

Monday, April 11, 2016

Tuesday, April 12th Bell Work

Let's play Kahoot

Click HERE to get on Kahoot and wait for your pin number. 

Interview Format

Name: Kaitlyn Benavides

Date of Interview: Monday, April 11th

Location of Interview: Rutherford MedPoint Clinic

Interviewee: Dr. Michael Richardson – A resident MD. Graduate of Vanderbilt. He has worked with MedPoint for three years, particularly in the field of Pediatric medicine. 

BENAVIDES: Do you remember a distinct moment when you realized you wanted to be a doctor?

RICHARDSON: I was an athlete and an accident prone kid. I was always in and out of the doctor’s office for everything from a broken wrist to a fractured toe. I loved visiting my pediatrician’s office because he made me laugh and feel at ease. I always left feeling better than I arrived. I wanted to do the same when I grew up.

BENAVIDES: Do you find that you treat a lot of sports injuries in young people?

RICHARDSON: I get a great deal of head injuries in a variety of sports which concerns me as a pediatrician. Kids are way too young to be dealing with brain trauma.

BENAVIDES: How is your job unique from a regular doctor?