Monday, September 12, 2016

Bell Work - Tuesday, September 13th

Bell Work: Watch the video and write three sentences (one simple, one compound, and one complex) about the scariest movie you've ever seen. 


  1. The scariest movie I have ever seen was Lights Out. The house had ghost/ spirits, so the person was traumatized. While the householders were trying to figure out what was going on they went crazy.The film is blatantly, unmistakably about mental illness.

  2. Krampus was the scariest. the movie was better than what I have seen, but it scared the soul out of me and back. the man thought they killed the kid, but as soon as it could happen he got back up.

  3. the scariest movie i ever say was Chuckey because i was at a friends house and we were watching it. In the movie there are 5 friends and they are trying to face time but there is this anonymous person is playing a game with them and killing them one by one till there is only one person left

  4. Mama was the most terrifying movie ever. There is a mother dead coming back,therefore her children will die with her. While the children and parents were sleeping the mother took the children and wanted them to die off a cliff.

  5. Flowers in the Attic is the creepiest movie I have seen. The movie is very twisted and freaky but it is not too scary. Four kids dad dies, so the mom moves them to the abusive grandmothers home. The grandmother hates children ,so she beats the oldest when the others misbehave.

  6. the scariest movie i ever say was Unfriended because i was at a friends house and we were watching it. In the movie there are 5 friends and they are trying to face time but there is this anonymous person is playing a game with them and killing them one by one till there is only one person left

  7. the scariest movie i ever saw was saw.

    saw was riding around a giving people what he felt they deserve,so may people ended up dead by the end of the movie.

    while the people miss behaved, saw prepared to kill them

  8. the scariest movie i ever saw was saw.

    saw was riding around a giving people what he felt they deserve,so many people ended up dead by the end of the movie.

    while the people miss behaved, saw prepared to kill them

  9. The scariest movie I have ever saw is World War Z.

  10. The scariest movie I've ever seen is Unfriended. I think it is really scary because a dead girl kills all of them through a computer, which terrifies me. Although they deserve to be punished for what they did, I don't think they should've been killed.

  11. The scariest movie ive ever seen is the boy. In the the movie this girl comes to a country to baby sit a doll and, she thinks its a joke. The real doll comes out of the basement which the parents knew that he was still alive.

  12. The scariest movie I have ever seen was "Insidious". The weird devil creature crawling on the wall.

  13. The scariest movie i have seen was The Boy. The movie was about a doll that came alive while no one was watching, and it ended up being smashed. The spirit of the doll was set free; Consequently, people died and the main character nearly escaped.

  14. The scariest movie I ever saw was
    some creepy doll trying to kill everyone

  15. The purge was the scariest movie I have ever seen.
    simple: The purge wasn't that scary but it was scary.
    compound: People roam the streets with weapons, so most family's stay at their home terrified.
    complex: While the people were at home, other people broke into there home and kidnapped them.

  16. Mama was the scariest movie i ever saw. Mama was a demon who lost her kid, so she possessed the women kids who lived in the house. Mama took one of the women kids an dropped her off of a cliff.

  17. The Conjuring was the scariest movie i have ever seen.
    Simple:A old person died in a house and started haunting the family that lived there.
    Compound:The husband started to act weird, and "talk" to himself.
    Complex: The spirit killed their dog, and hung a dead body on a tree.

  18. The scariest movie I've ever seen is scary movie 1,2,3. I've also seen is chucky. The third scariest movie I've ever seen is the Purge.

  19. Replies
    1. dont mess with them blind people

  20. Replies
    1. You're suppose to tell her the scariest movie, not your names

  21. My scariest movie I've ever seen was SIGNS, that movie freaked me out especially the time when they were at the farm in the dark in corn.
    About: It all starts when the farmers corn is cut to an oddly shaped(signs that the aliens where coming), then the dogs acting aggressive, next noises around the houses, and finally they come and attack the people/ trying to overthrow the humans to get there earth. Will they win? Does everyone die? Will you watch to find out?

  22. hello i am artavios trotter peeps on you people

  23. hello i am artavios trotter peeps on you people

  24. A. The scariest movie I've ever seen was called Evil Dead.
    B. Teens went to a house in the middle of nowhere that had one specific book that they opened and released an evil entity.
    C. While the teens were sleeping some of them ended up killing each other until only one person remained.

  25. the boy was the scarist movie ive seen.
    simple: the boy was a very scary movie.
    compound: the boy was a doll, but was a guy at the end.
    complex: at the end of the movie, some of the people got away, ut some people had died.

  26. The scariest movie i have ever seen is Ensidees ,paranormal activeaty , and chucky.

  27. correction one person got murdered in the boy and the parents did suicide.

  28. seen the shinning wasn't scary

  29. The scariest movie I have ever seen was The Thing

  30. the scariest movie i have ever seen is elmos nightmare on sesimy street.elmo was a doll who turned out to be eeeeeeeeeeevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvilllllllllllllllllllllll.

  31. Simple: The original Poltergeist is one of the scariest movies ever.
    Compound: A family is haunted by a poltergeist, and they have to call in a paranormal team to rid them of the evil spirit.
    Complex: As the family attempts to live a normal life, the poltergeist proves it difficult to just ignore the paranormal.

  32. The scariest movie I have ever seen was " Freddy VS Jason".

  33. Lights out is the scariest movie ever.The mom loves her childern ,so she end up killings herself to save them.

  34. the scariest movie i ever saw was Mama. I do not remember much because it was 2 years ago but,I remember the mom kills the dad.
    It was a great movie that i saw however I didn't see much.

  35. simple: The Conjuring is scary.
    compound: The Conjuring is scary, so I didn't sleep for a month.
    Complex: The Conjuring was a terrifying movie, so I didn't sleep for a month, which is why I'm not permitted to watch scary things.

  36. The scariest movie I've watched was The Cabin in the Woods. It is about friends who spend the night at a cabin that just so happens to be in the woods (hence the name), though they do not know what lies before them. The friends are fine, until the evil spirit manipulates them one by one.

  37. The scariest movie i have ever seen is Chucky. Chucky was a doll for kids, and he ended up coming alive and killing people. The people didn't know what was happening till it was too late, they died gruesomely, now i always am affraid when i see dolls.

  38. simple: Lights Out was the scariest movie I have ever seen.
    compound: The house is haunted, so everyone is scared.
    complex: While the lights are off, Diana starts haunting the family.

  39. The scariest movie I have ever watched is Decent. It was about this group of women who go into an unknown cave, which was a stupid idea, and a girl named Juno didn't bring the map. However, there are these creatures that look like Authur. These creatures ate humans.

  40. it wasn't a movie , but i seen myself in the mirror. ):

  41. The scariest movie i've ever seen was poltergiest.
    A poltergiest was haunting a girl named caorlann's family, and it really wanted the girl. so while the family was asleep, the poltergiest got carolann to come to the other side, and they family had to fight to get her back.

  42. the scariest movie I've ever seen is the ring.
    the ring is scary, and it is also cool.
    the ring is scary because there is a lot of pop ups, and it is freaky,although it has horses in it.

  43. The scariest movie I ever seen was Paranormal activity. Since it was scary, i stayed stayed up the whole night.There was alot of pop scares, so I JUMPED ALOT.

  44. Simple~ Lights Out is a terrifying movie.
    Compound~Lights Out is a terrifying movie, so I didn't sleep for a week.
    Complex~Lights Out is a terrifying movie,so I didn't sleep for a week, which is why I will not watch it ever again.

  45. simple: The scariest movie ive ever watched is The Backyard. Compound: The Backyard was so scary, now I cant sleep at all.
    Complex:The Backyard was really terrifying, so i hadn't slept in a long time, which is why i didn't do good on the test.

  46. The Curse of Chucky is a scary movie.
    Me and my friends watched it, therefore we didn't go to sleep.
    The curse of chucky was very scary, i stayed up with my friends all night; I sat with my friends all night on his couch and we all slept with air soft guns. :)

  47. The scariest movie I ever watched would be Lights Out. I could not sleep without a lamp on, and every time the lights were off my heart would start to race. While me and my friend walked out of the movie theater, the workers scared us and said ''we were to loud.''

  48. I have never watched a scary movie. I am not interested in watching a movie that will scare me. Finally I don't even like them because the characters do stuff that they obviously should know will kill them.

  49. The Visit is a scary movie.
    The movie the visit is scary and gave me night mares for 4 weeks.
    The movie is so scary that it made me scared to go to my grandparents without my mom and dad.

  50. The scariest movie I have ever seen was conjuring 2. Although I LOVE scary movies, this movie made me sleep with the lights on. This movie is pretty scary due to the background music and suspence, but it was ten time scarier when it was silent.
