Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Today's required videos. If you get finished with the MIST writing assessment, watch and take notes on the following videos on persuasion. When finished, respond to the following prompt. Don't forget to identify yourself so you can get credit for doing a great job:

If you were running for school president, what would you say in order to use ethos (establish credibility), pathos (appeal to emotion) and logos (appeal to logic) in your campaign speech? Be creative. 


  1. You must vote for me because the other students get in too much trouble. Plus, if you want the right food selection I am the guy to come to. So vote for me Jeremiah Heaton for school president!

  2. (Elizabeth Delgado-Bostic) I would be honored to be school president. I make great grades and am very respectful to all teachers. I have many experiences with being in charge. Think,don't you think you hardworking students should get more breaks? We may get to go on many field trips or even see some school plays. I can make this school year fun and less boring. Won't you choose a student who would deserves this title? A student that could make a change?

    1. You make a very good case, you would make a worthy candidate.

    2. Poopy Butts With Ligma

  3. I would want to be your school president because i could get rid of that nasty water fountain, or get a veteran class so we can take care of puppies and help nurture kitten. 'm running for president because one time I helped an old lady across the street and encouraged me to make a change for I'm hear to make a change and help you! - Your Floating Ghost Jellyfish

  4. Also if the other students are in trouble they will most likely be suspended so they could not be in school to do the things that are needed for the school.

  5. If I were running for school president , I would try my best to use all three persuasion techniques. To appeal to Ethos, I would say, (this is made up) "I am the schools valedictorian and I would love to be a part of this schools presidential staff. For pathos, "I have been trying to be schools president for 3 years, and i am not stopping yet!" Finally, I would apply to logos with, "I have seen the other candidates for schools president and I am the most mature and oldest candidate. That is how I would word my speech for school president. VOTE FOR BENNETT NEU!

    1. pretty good Bennett you would be a good opponent for Elizabeth Delgado-Bostic

  6. You should vote me for school president, because i'm responsible. I want to make this school better and a little bit more fun. Like with school lunches for an example, the school lunches are terrible, I will find a way to get better tasting food, and if you wanted to you could buy your lunch, just bring your own money. The field trips, their fun but don't you want to have more in one year. I would make it possible to have at least 5 a year. Sounds cool right? So you should just think about, and if I do become school president, you guys won't regret it.

  7. I want to be your school president because I could make this school year more fun for you hardworking kids. Wouldn't you want a president that will give you more breaks? I could increase your free time after lunch and maybe make field trips. Isn't this what you want? Well I'll give it to you, all you have to do is Vote For Me!!- Blake.G

  8. Through my whole middle school life, I have been a very trustworthy student who can be a leader.I have made fantastic grades, have created creative projects, and try to help the school as much as possible. If I become school president, I will address all censers that my piers have because I do care for what you all think.
    (Tristan Dobbs)

  9. If you are running for school president, For example: ethos, I would say i think i should become your class president because etc.

  10. I should be school president because I will provide excellent hallway service providing safe passage in a jammed up hallway. I will change how long we can stay outside. I will have a whole period dedicated to finishing any missing assignments and socializing with friends. I will allow all electronic devices in the cafeteria during the lunch period. I would make the best school president over all the other candidates because I actually care about the student body.

  11. I would make all the things that the students would want but they would have to do good and keep things tidy, not losing their books. So if the students don't keep things clean I would take away one of the things they earned and put it away.(Malik Jeffery)

  12. I would be a good president because i would make sure that everyone had what they needed for class.I would also be a person that anyone could tell about their feelings.An not least but last tell everybody that they had a reason to be able to learn and be apart of school.

  13. As you may already know, I am running for school president. I believe that I deserve this and you should too. As a student, I am a hard worker and I am determined to improve our school. My reasons for running is that I've always struggled with talking to to people and making friends, but that did not stop my drive to help others at our school. During my time as president, I will make sure that our halls/bathrooms will stay clean and cafeteria meals will be served with the most care. I understand that some of my ideas may sound as if impossible, but I can promise you that i will make a positive impact at our school.

    1. who ever this is you would get voted into office if you didn't have Bennett or Elizabeth as opponents.

    2. I would vote for you but I don't know how!

  14. I would love to be your school president.If I were president I would tell the logos and never lie.I would but my heart in this job and care for all my students.I would start new clubs such as garden class, and biology club. I am running for president because as a kid I loved helping old people and that inspired me to help and make a change.

  15. If I was running for president at school I would try and use all of the techniques in my speech. For example, "Fellow students and staff members. I would love to be your school president so I help this school grow. Without a president to lead this school would worsen and become a bad environment for students like me to learn. If I am voted school president I will make sure you are taught well and having fun at the same time.

  16. I would drink toilet water, only because its much cleaner. Wastewater(aka sea water)has roughly 1,000 parts per million of salt,and that water isn't clean or filtered. but seawater has roughly 35,000 parts per million. Desalination is also, of course, limited to states near seawater.And I don't know how close my state is to the ocean. Not that many states recycle water.Only about 7% and those states are closer to the water than I am.Only a handful of communities actually drink recycled wastewater, Mr. Miller says, including El Paso, parts of Los Angeles County, and Orange County,
    California. So I think I would drink toilet any day over sea water. At least I know its clean .

    1. I believe you're in the wrong post. By the way, why did you post this without reading the article at the top?

  17. If i was running for school president i would say " Don't you want your school to have a good representative rather than a bad one? Don't let your school be boring. Choose me as your president because you will not be bored with school anymore." I would make them feel bad if they didn't choose me.

  18. If you vote me as class president, you will be trusting the hands of a reliable, honest, and hardworking student who knows right from wrong. You wouldn't trust a criminal or a drug-dealer, would you? I promise you I'm not any of those things, and never will be, and I'm sure the school will thank you in return for making me your class president.

  19. If I was running for school president I would try to persuade you with all tools."Teachers and students, I would be honored to be your school president to help make school more useful. What I mean when i say that is I will do my best to help students and teachers look forward to coming to school. If you make me your school president I guarantee that you will learn and have fun at the same time.

  20. I am running for school president as some of you may have heard before. If i get elected i want to make school as fun as possible but still learn all of the standards we need to master before TN READY.A school president needs to be organized, have excelling grades, and needs to be able to take on the challenge of being school president. I hold all of these wonderful characteristics that create an amazing school president for the 2015-16 school year at Rock Springs Middle School.

    1. If I make learning fun we will remember the standards in a better way so that we improve our scores drastically each year.

  21. If I was was running for school president I would persuade my fellow students.I would use all the techniques to try to win my students over.I would put better things in school and organize it another way.For example,I would put more better food in the cafeteria because our food is horrible.

  22. If I was running for school president i would do my best to use all techniques in my speech for the people voting.I would want to make no homework policies.I would try to make school not so boring.If you voted for me i will make school more fun.

  23. If I was running for president of school, I would say some things like "If you want to become the best basketball school in Rutherford County, why wouldn't you vote for me?" Also, I would say,"I am a hardworking student and I earn straight A's." Finally,"If you don't vote for me, we might play a basketball game and lose very badly.The students would become sad.You wouldn't want our students to become sad,would you?"

  24. I should be class president because I make good grades, I care about other people, and I will try to improve the school as much as I can. I will make sure the cafeteria stays clean and serves food that everyone likes and I will listen to your ideas to make this middle school experience more enjoyable for the entire student body.

  25. You should vote me president for many reasons.I would make sure that we have recess every single day,and if its raining then we have indoor recess.I would also be good because I can be focused and organized when I want to be.It was also be nice if you did it and i would high-five you.

  26. If I were to run for school president, I would try to use Ethos, Pathos, and Logos to make my writing better. I would also use a rhetorical question, such as "Why would I be a good school president?" I would follow that with something logical, showing why I would be a good school president. "I would be a good school president because I work hard and would try to make the school a better place" would be a logical sentence about why I should be chosen. I could also used emotion and say something like "I've wanted this job for years, and my family would be disappointed if I didn't become school president." I could also make myself look good by saying "I would be a good school president because I do all my work on time and will help others."

  27. If I ran for school president my campaign would be to let students do more things. The things I would say to help my campaign is ''Teachers you want students to be more responsible for everything we do.Why can't you give us more freedoms to do certain things?You don't what the outcome would be unless you tried.''

  28. If I was running for school president I would have to work very hard to persuade people, appeal to their emotions, and use logic. I would try to use persuasion by saying something like, "I would love to be YOUR *points* president because I will take great care of you! I would treat you with respect and come to your needs! If needed I will deny the teachers in what they say to prove them wrong and you right!" I would use emotion for something like, "I would be so honored to be your president, my mom would be so proud of me and I would tell anyone who cared for me that was president and wants me to follow in their footsteps. (Not enough time to finish)

  29. If I were running for school president I would say that I would do what the school would need most and bring somebody that knows me and says that I would be someone good for the position of school president.

  30. You should vote me to be the school president because I am proven to be a very effective worker and I can get the job done. If you have any demands, I will try to either make it happen if it is effective enough to effect the school or just listen to you. I am hardworking and best for the job.

  31. If I was running for school president, I would say, " I should be class president because I am very responsible, and helpful. I stay after school for tutoring with children/ students who need help, help keep the special ed students entertained, and help teachers with their grading and keeping their rooms cleaned. Even though you may not like me, oh well, I will still try to make sure you are in a good, safe, and clean school. Please vote me for school president."

  32. I should be president because i would allow kids to use their phones while they were in the hallway between classes.Also i would not make kids have assigned tables during lunch. So you could sit at other tables with your friends. \(*~*)/

  33. If i was to run for school president i would persuade my audience with the three methods, i would tell them... "Hello,fellow students, as you all know i am running for school president. I would like all of your votes. I could help you, care for you, and make less home work for all in the school. And for teachers you would get a better break room better food and drinks, students i would let you have more and better lunch choices. That is why you should vote for me as your school president, Hunter Noland (patriotic music plays in the background)."

  34. My fellow students as you already know i am running to be school president. As some of my friends know i am passionate and kind to other. I promise to protect all kids who get bullied on a daily basis.there are an average of 3.2 million kids are bullied a year and 160,000 students skip school just to avoid bullying. those who bully will be sent to the principal and will be suspended for a week and shall have an hour to work on all missing work when returning to school. I believe that all students should have good lunches and not horrible shipped lunches.most shipped lunches are made in factories and can contain some sicknesses and can make the human body ill. if you vote for me I promise to make all your wildest dreams come true ( that line was said by Pedro from the movie Napoleon Dynamite )

    1. You should vote for me to be school president! If you do i will reduce the amount of homework everyone gets, extend our lunch period, and have the cafeteria sell actual food, rather than the slop they serve now. Also if you don't vote for me i will cry

  35. If I was running for president at school I would try and use all of the techniques in my speech. For example, "Fellow students and staff members. I wouldn,t like to be your school president so I help this school grow more . Without a president to lead this school it will worsen and become a bad environment for students like me to learn and feel comfortable .. If I am voted school president I will make sure you are taught well plus having some extra fun time .

  36. If I was to run for school president I would have to use persuasion with ethos, pathos, and logos you would probably say,"Hello my friends today I as you may know I am running for president. I should be president because of my good people talking skills and I can engage with others better than most. I would also help car and get you less work. Also I would make bulling a more or less out of this school. Teachers should also have more stretchy Schedule for work. But altogether I would make this school better than it is.XD

  37. If i was running for school president i would need a majority of votes to do this.To do this i would need the following techniques ethos,pathos,logos. I would need them to feel that they need to vote for me . I would also mention ways i can help the student while they're learning using a fun activity. These are ways you make a group agree with you using these simple techniques.

  38. I would tell the students of the school that I would work to achieve little or no homework. I would work to end bulling.

  39. I am running for president.I would say that i am good for the job because i would let lunch and some classes be outside and i would let students be on their phones during ALL classes.I would also allow students to change their schedule to P.E if they want to.

  40. If I was running for school president.......for ethos I would say the honest appealing things I would do for them. Next for pathos I would bring up touching subjects I know people will agree on with me.And finally for logos, i would just bring up everything logical that people will like.

  41. Dear fellow students, i am sure you have heard that i am running for school president.I can make learning fun and interactive, instead of taking notes. Also I have good grades and that is important for a president to have. Finally i will also get the school more involved in our community.We can go on field trips where we do service projects, and as a school help our community. Don't you want to know that you helped a life within your community. Vote for me and i will make the 2015-2016 Rock Springs Middle school year the best!

  42. If i was running for school president i would let students use their phones in the hallway as long as they are not on anything inappropriate. Also, to prevent this from happening, i would arrange a fundraiser and if we got enough money i would get somebody to install a device that could cut off the internet if it detected anything inappropriate on the students' phones.Everyone who knows me says i am a kind person and they think that i am really sympathetic. I would also decrease the homework amount, not completely but just a little bit. I would also let the students sit where they want to sit in the cafeteria, no assigned tables. So this is what i would do if i was school president.

  43. i think you should vote me president because i would make sure that every one will be happy. when we go outside we wont just walk because that does nothing like for real. Plus i will serve Popsicles and i will ban the joke your mom because it is over used. In conclusion if you vote me i will do all this and more.

  44. For me to persuade the student body to vote for me to be the school president. I would say, "I, Megan Baker, am running for school president. Here are a few examples why you should vote for me: I keep my grades up, I never get in trouble like most other students, and I never talk back to the teachers and always respect them. Would you want a school president that does all that or a school president that is very disrespectful and does not care for his/her grade? I didn't think that you would. Thanks for listening and have an extravagant day!

  45. I would use pathos to reach the reader with feelings and emotion, i would let the kids know that i will give away free food during lunch once a week by using ethos by letting them know they deserve it, I am going to use logos to show students that i am smart enough and show evidence

  46. Ethos: "I should be your president because i am in the Beta Club, and I have fed the Homeless. I have also worked at Feed the Children's Home."
    Pathos: "I would care for you and help you with any need that you have. I would stop in the middle of the hall and pick up the books that you have dropped. I would stop and pick up trash around the school!"
    Logos: ?
    Vote for me! XD

  47. I would use pathos in my speech by saying,"I have wanted to be the class president for a while, but I have just been too scared to come up in front of everyone to say something. So please vote for me, this is taking a lot of my courage."

  48. Tyler pruitt (LINKIN PARK RULES)October 27, 2015 at 9:24 AM

    i would use pathos ethos and logos heres come examples

    ethos:i should be school presidant becouse i will improve not just the school but also the students.
    pathos:i would make sure everyone is happy in this safe envirement called school
    logos:of course your thinking we need to vote for this guy

    1. I`m voting for you bro. :3 ~ Cole M

  49. If i were president i would find a way to make my citizens and also try to make it ok for me to actually do that.Also i would make schools better than they are now,but still the schools are great now too.I also would help the homeless and build a homeless hotel.

  50. Devianna Oum (http.d3vi)October 27, 2015 at 9:27 AM

    I would use pathos in my speech and say "i have always wanted to be on the basketball team because ive always wanted to be apart of a team and im very good at basketball. Please consider me being on your team."

  51. The Dark Lord//Silver FlameOctober 27, 2015 at 9:28 AM

    Ethos-- I have always wanted to help the student body in every way possible, so you should elect me for school president, so i can change things for the better and not for the worst.

    Pathos---KITTENS WILL DIE IF U NO ELECT ME!!!!!!!!!!
    Logos-----It would only make sense for you to elect me as your next school president, seeing as i have 277 votes, and my opponent here has a dead fish.

    ...#Voldemort4Prez2024 #Trump2016 #Clinton2016 #Kanye2020

    1. Kaylee Adcock-AndrewsOctober 27, 2015 at 9:30 AM

      this started out really good, then went down the drain,FAST.

  52. Kaylee Adcock-AndrewsOctober 27, 2015 at 9:28 AM

    If i was running for school president, here's how i would persuade voters:
    Ethos: "My grades are always on top, i never disrespect teachers or students, and never get in trouble during class."
    Pathos: "If you vote for me, i will make sure that we do Fall Festivals & Spring Flings.Maybe even allow students on the phones during study hall or lunch."
    Logos: "In all honesty, why would you want a disrespecting student as school president.That wouldn't make the teachers or the principal convinced to do fun things.

  53. i disagree i should only school presient

  54. If i were running for president i would use ethos by showing that i am a good person. I would use pathos to show that i am caring and want to help others. I would use logos to show that i am smart and won't make bad decisions and do good.

  55. Vote for Hailey!
    I should be your school president because i am a good student and have never gotten in trouble, i make all A's, and i do things around our school to make it a better place to be.If I were president I would listen to whatever the students said and try to help to the best of my extent. I would make sure you get to class on time, help with homework in the study hall, and even help you carry books or pick them up when you drop them. I'll be your most helpful friend.(: Voting for me would a smart decision on your behalf. I could make the school more fun and exciting for students and you'll still get your education! I can even change the lunch menu to some new delicious foods. Who will you choose at the election?

  56. If I were to run for the school president I would use the ethos method. Showing the school that I'm a good person may actually influence the crowd to vote for me. For instance, while I present my campaign speech, it would be a good idea to mention that i enjoy volunteering to help the elderly, I often donate to the less fortunate, and I love to watch babies. All of those are good examples that can express moral character in a person.

  57. it would make me so happy
    It would make me so happy if every one voted for me. I can help you all have no homework and I know you would like that . I have one very important question would you like to have homework every night no I don't think so vote for me .think you and have a nice night rock springs.


  58. Hello fellow class mates I should be school president because last year I had all A's. I am one of the best students in this school I pick up trash. I'll give 5% of the school's beget to charitys. I will save children's lifes so pick me to save children's lifes.

  59. Running for school president would be simple as long as I addressed ethos,logos,and pathos correctly. My ethos statement would be that I make wonderful grades, throughout all my school years I've gotten multiple academic grades, and I use big words. Appealing to everyone's emotions would be easy. I would simply tell everyone that- if I was school president- there would be new additions to the school that appeals to everyone. Like some type of animal room since animals relieve stress and strengthen focus! Or creating a new phone policy which allows students on their phones during certain times of the day. Finally, I'd get to everyone's logic by telling them,"Who wants an ignorant, disrespecting and even immature "child" as there presidents when you can have someone who knows what they are doing and how to do it."

  60. If I were to be included in a school president campaign first, I would give students enough time to take care of fines or overdue lunch money. Next, I would persuade to give students another minute after the bell to get to class if they`re running late or using the restroom. Finally, middle school is time rushing, so students would get another minute to get to their lockers on time and quick. ~Cole M.

  61. Hi my name is Joey Carrigan I am here to present to you why i should be the school president . I am a hard worker and very talented also . I meet my expectations and also exceed in my grade level score.I would be great because i imagine what is good for all students and not just myself.

  62. Using ethos. Vote for me, because I work hard at school and I always get good grades. I ways been a good child and never turn in anything late. Also, i always been fair and never tried to cheat.

    using pathos- I always been there for people who have problems. I always been there for people who been hurt by someone and I'm always there. Wouldn't you want a person who helps people be you school president?

    Using logos- Won't it be smart to chose someone who smart and never play tricks? Who always pays attention in class and who always work hard? Vote for me!

  63. If I were the school president, there would be many noticeable changes. For one, all the money collected from the slushy stand would be given to a charity that the study body would decide on . Then there would be more of a portion size for lunch, and a dessert that would cost only 1$ extra.

  64. kaleb the swagg masterOctober 27, 2015 at 11:30 AM

    I would use ethos because it would show that I am a great person that will treat them in a reasonable way. Also, it would tell the people of the ................

  65. If I were to run for school president, my speech would go a little like this...

    I should be school president because I follow directions, make good grades, and understand student needs. If I was president, our school would be well put together and students would get better support and want to learn more. When I'm president, students will enjoy learning more because we will have fun activities to go with learning. Also we would have one free class period where the whole school went outside to pick up all the garbage to keep our earth clean. In conclusion, I would be a great school president because students would look up to me and want to do the good things I do. Do you want the students at our school to fail and never do anything good for the earth?

  66. Hello my fellow knights.I should be your school president.I'm known for good grades and excellent behavior.Would you want an inadequate student to be school president? If not vote for me!
    (Ryan Tran)

  67. VOTE FOR ME!
    I should be your school president! I make good grades, i never get in trouble, and i have some good ideas to turn this schools around. Do you, the student body, want to be heard? Well if I was your school president I would make sure to do everything to please the students. All students have at least one idea to make this school a better place. I would create a club to help the less fortunate. If you do not vote for me you could be hurting a kid in need. I would also seek into better school lunches, work on getting newer books in the library, and make students more involved. I should be school president for these reasons and many more!
