Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Bell Work - Wednesday, December 9th


Review: Can you remember some good compare and contrast transitions from yesterday? List at least two in sentence form for bell work. You may use a sentence from yesterday's compare and contrast worksheet.

Compare Contrast Assignment

The Compare/Contrast Essay

Instructions: Watch and take notes on the following videos. Afterwards, choose one of the following topics. You will write TWO well developed paragraphs comparing and contrasting something specific about your chosen topic. Your paragraph needs: A) A topic sentence, B) correct use of compare and contrast transitions. 
* Being a toddler vs being a teenager
* The life of a dog vs. the life of a cat
* Acting vs. lying 
* Scrooge vs. The Grinch 

* You will upload your paragraph onto the 365 folder titled, "Compare and contrast paragraphs".

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Bell Work - Thursday, December 3rd

Your Argumentative Essay is due tomorrow! What are some last minute things that you should do before turning your essay in? Do you have any questions before you do so? Be prepared to share your answer. 

Monday, November 30, 2015

Tuesday, December 1st: Bell Work

Yesterday, we completed peer editing. Copy the following statement into the comment box and fill in the blanks. 

My writing strength is ______________________(Development/Focus&Organization/Language/Conventions) because I am confident doing _____________________________ in my writing. I am mainly worried about ___________________(Development/Focus&Organization/Language/Conventions) because I always struggle with _____________________________. 

STEP TWO: Put the following in chronological order. What step are we on today?

Monday, November 2, 2015

November 3rd Bell Work

The video you are about to watch is a speech by the public speaking world champion. What makes him such a great speaker? Pay attention to WHAT he says, HOW he says it, and what he is doing with his body/stage presence. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Our future politicians!

Good job to the following students who presented some pretty good points and used some persuasive techniques!

Jaelin, 2nd period
If I were to run for school president, I would try to use Ethos, Pathos, and Logos to make my writing better. I would also use a rhetorical question, such as "Why would I be a good school president?" I would follow that with something logical, showing why I would be a good school president. "I would be a good school president because I work hard and would try to make the school a better place" would be a logical sentence about why I should be chosen. I could also use emotion and say something like "I've wanted this job for years, and my family would be disappointed if I didn't become school president." I could also make myself look good by saying "I would be a good school president because I do all my work on time and will help others."

Jeffery, 1st period
I should be school president because I will provide excellent hallway service providing safe passage in a jammed up hallway. I will change how long we can stay outside. I will have a whole period dedicated to finishing any missing assignments and socializing with friends. I will allow all electronic devices in the cafeteria during the lunch period. I would make the best school president over all the other candidates because I actually care about the student body.

Sarah, 3rd period
Ethos: "I should be your president because I am in the Beta Club, and I have fed the Homeless. I have also worked at Feed the Children's Home."
Pathos: "I would care for you and help you with any need that you have. I would stop in the middle of the hall and pick up the books that you have dropped. I would stop and pick up trash around the school!"
Vote for me!

Samuel, 2nd period 
If you vote me as class president, you will be trusting the hands of a reliable, honest, and hardworking student who knows right from wrong. You wouldn't trust a criminal or a drug-dealer, would you? I promise you I'm not any of those things, and never will be, and I'm sure the school will thank you in return for making me your class president.

Kaylea, 6th period
I should be your school president! I make good grades, I never get in trouble, and I have some good ideas to turn this schools around. Do you, the student body, want to be heard? Well if I was your school president I would make sure to do everything to please the students. All students have at least one idea to make this school a better place. I would create a club to help the less fortunate. If you do not vote for me you could be hurting a kid in need. I would also seek into better school lunches, work on getting newer books in the library, and make students more involved. I should be school president for these reasons and many more!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Today's required videos. If you get finished with the MIST writing assessment, watch and take notes on the following videos on persuasion. When finished, respond to the following prompt. Don't forget to identify yourself so you can get credit for doing a great job:

If you were running for school president, what would you say in order to use ethos (establish credibility), pathos (appeal to emotion) and logos (appeal to logic) in your campaign speech? Be creative. 

Thursday, October 15, 2015


Check out my favorite responses from Thursday's Bell Work. Great work, guys!

Emily, 2nd period
When you use the argumentative essay writing style it will help you a lot. You need evidence that what you are saying is true and you need stuff to support the evidence. For example, your sister thinks her brother stole 20 bucks and spent it at the mall. If the brother didn't do it he needs to find ways to support his claim. Also known as "evidence". So furthermore, argumentative writing styles help you a lot in the world. They can get your innocent or guilty.

Tristan Dobbs, 1st period 
If you are running for President or other election based positions, being a great argumentative writer can aid in your election. This is because a good argumentative writer can make a persuasive speech to win over the massive and overall getting more votes.

Bennett Neu, 1st period
If you are a good argumentative writer you can change peoples opinion of a topic. imagine that you are asking your parents for a new video game. Your parents may say no, but if you are a good argumentative write, you can give a good reason for getting the game. Like, "it's educational and it can teach me life skills.' If you can make a good point, they may get you the game. Or they will just say no.

Hailey Kelly, 4th period

Being a good argumentative writer can come in handy if you are on the debate team in middle school, high school, or college. If you are on the debate team then you have to be able to be given a topic and state why its important, better, or what it's benefits are. The ability to argue your topic and give good support and details could help you win your debate event.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Bell Work: October 15th, 2015

Watch the following Shmoop video on argumentative writing. Afterwards, respond to the following question:

How can being an effective argumentative writer help you in life? Give a unique example. 

Monday, October 12, 2015


Welcome to my blog! You are going to go to my blog each day for bell work when we are in the computer lab. Today for Bell Work, read the attachment I sent you on Jupiter as well as the article below. From there, post a comment on here responding to the following question:

Do you think Desalination would work? What are some pros and cons? Use a quote from one of the articles to support your opinion. 

Why Desalination Doesn't Work (Yet)

YouTube video: Desalination