Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Bell Work: October 15th, 2015

Watch the following Shmoop video on argumentative writing. Afterwards, respond to the following question:

How can being an effective argumentative writer help you in life? Give a unique example. 


  1. When you are in trouble with the law and you can persuade the judge with good reasons of why you are not guilty.Since argumentative essays are persuasive this may help. (its Elizabeth Delgado-Bostic)

  2. when you are being judged whether your guilty or innocent.You will need to persuade or bribe the judge to being innocent.If you can write a good argumentative essay you might be able to get out of the situation Mrs.Benavides!!!!!:)

  3. Well if you ever get in a heated debate with someone you can use those skills to help you win the debate.

  4. I think that if you want a gaming system or a new game that if you ask your parents they would say why do you deserve so and so. You would need to have a few reasons why.He or she will need to be prepared for what will happen before you talk to them have a plan of what reasons why you can get so and so so have a few reason why you deserve that thing be prepared and have faith. :)
    (Malik Jeffery)

  5. If you are a good argumentative writer you can change peoples opinion of a topic. imagine that you are asking your parents for a new video game. Your parents may say no, but if you are a good argumentative write, you can give a good reason for getting the game. Like, "it's educational and it can teach me life skills.' If you can make a good point, they may get you the game. Or they will just say no.

  6. When your trying to persuade your parents to let you drive the car past midnight.

  7. If you are running for President or other election based positions, being a great argumentative writer can aid in your election. This is because a good argumentative writer can make a persuasive speech to win over the massive and overall getting more votes.

  8. if your applying for a job or a college you want them to pick you over any other applicants right? well you must persuade them to choose you that's where argumentative essays come in. it helps you persuade your audience and bring them to your side so if you practice writing argumentative essays you can get better at applying for job positions.

  9. you could be a lawyer because a lawyer has to argue for a case

  10. ashley benson (holly)October 15, 2015 at 6:31 AM

    it could help by when people acuse you of something and you didnt do it .

  11. It could help you with a judge in a certian problem.You have to give resaons why your guilty or not. Have evidence to support your answer and having back up.

  12. Anyone who is interested in being a lawyer has to be good at arguing for their client, so being talented with writing an argumentative essay could greatly help.

  13. help convince your parents you didnt do something

  14. Being an effective argumentative writer can help you in life because there may come a time for when you need to defend yourself. For example, you could be blamed for a crime that you did not commit and you need to be able to back up your story and prove yourself innocent.

  15. Say if i got into some trouble at school,I would give a statement to help out with the situation.

  16. If you ever want to persuade a police or detective you are not guilty, you may need to use an argumentative essay. Not only will it prove you didn't commit the crime, but it also may provide some evidence that supports their case.

  17. An argumentative essay can help you in life when you are trying to write a paper to the principal or school board about a particular idea -Such as letting students leave campus for lunch everyday to eat what they choose not some mystery meat monday food.

  18. If you are in a tribal debate as to whether your best friend should be thrown into a volcano as a sacrifice, you'll definitely need to write an argumentative essay. It'll save his/her skin, and make the people living there rethink about who the chosen one really is.

  19. If you got in trouble against your parents with attitude or behavioral issues you could argue to try to help you in the long-run.This argumentative action could help you with your parents believing you didn't do anything.

  20. Being a good argumentative writer can help you if you want to go into politics. You could broadcast your campaign message to tons of people and persuade them to vote for you and agree with your ideas.

  21. When you use the argumentative essay writing style it will help you a lot. You need evidence that what you are saying is true and you need stuff to support the evidence. For example, your sister thinks her brother stole 20 bucks and spent it at the mall. If the brother didn't do it he needs to find ways to support his claim. Also known as "evidence". So furthermore, argumentative writing styles help you a lot in the world. They can get your innocent or guilty.

  22. You could use an argumentative writing when you are in a bad situation,persuading someone or etc. For Example, let's say I wanted to go to the movies with my Squad,but my parents thinks I'm not responsible . I could give a statement explaining why I'm responsible enough to go the movies.

  23. Argumentative essays are good if you want to get into college. You would want them to choose you to be in their college so you would have to write an essay that would persuade them to put you in their college.

  24. Being a good argumentative writer can help u because if you are good at persuading people to do or think something that can take you a long way.An example of this is say you wrote a new superhero book and everybody is saying that your book is better than Superman and the author of superman is arguing with you about who's book is better

  25. Another example could be someone says that the water at Arby's isn't purified (i don't think it is). They have to make me believe that is is purified so i will drink it again.

    1. Dont talk about Arbys. Arbys is love Arbys is life. right brooke

  26. If you're trying to win an argument, you will need evidence to support your claim. If you get in trouble at school, you would need evidence to prove not guilty. If able to persuade the accuser that you did not commit the crime, there would be little to no punishment.

  27. You would need to be a good argumentative writer in case your friends were doing some bad thing.What if they wanted you to join and you would have to argue and persuade them that it was bad

  28. If you had to persuade why you should be the person to go to that college you would need to have a strong argument to back it up. Or if you do not go to college you still need a strong argument to say why you should have the job you want.

  29. When you are about to get in trouble with your parents, then you can persuade them that you didn't commit that problem. This might get someone else accused instead of you.

  30. An argumentative essay can help you in life, for example if you get in a car accident and you didn't cause it but the other person lies and says you did, you have to persuade the cops to prove you didn't.

  31. I think it will help you in life because if you disagree with someone in life then you can try to persuade the other person to believe what you believe. My example is that someone says that bears are really dumb, but you may think they are intelligent and really smart.

  32. Okay take for example your parents want you to move out and you have nothing to go to so you argue to let you stay there until you get a job

  33. Ok so what if someone testified about the desilation idea wouldn't work. The people with that invention would have to comeback and persuade and tell them how nothing will happen.

  34. If someone has an opinion you disagree with and you want to change their opinion, then you would need to argue with them to change their mind.

  35. I think that an argumentative essay is important in life because for example you forgot to do your homework you are gonna try to persuade your teacher you actually did it or that you had to do something important to do ,but really you were lazy and did not complete it

  36. arguementitive can help you because lets say your mom doesn't want to get another dog. you can convince her taking care of the one you already have.

  37. When you get in a car wreck and go to court you have to argue your side accident. But if you have a argument against you, you need to be ready to defend what he or she has against you.

  38. Being a good argumentative writer can help you in the future in many ways. Like when you are trying to persuade someone you would be good for the job or trying to get yourself out of trouble.

  39. Being an effective argumentative writer can help you with an argument you have with your friends or parents because you can persuade them to believe what you believe, it's even better when you have evidence and great examples.

  40. take an example like having to move out when your 18 you parents will love it but you wont. then you will have to buys all your food and clothes etc. you will have to live on your own from now on.

  41. it can help you in a job interview like when you are trying to convince them to hire you

  42. Being an effective argumentative writer can help you with your future life. For example, a lawyer. That is all a lawyer does. They argue for a person who has been sent to court. An example of an argument is, what if you accidentally back into your neighbors car pulling out of your driveway and your neighbor thinks you did it on purpose. They sue you and you can get a lawyer to defend you that you did in fact hit that persons car, but it was an accident.

  43. Writing an argumentative essay can help you in life when you are trying to testify against someone.

  44. An argumentative essay would be useful when your trying to convince a coach why you should be on the team .

  45. It would be helpful to be an effective argumentative writer because a person may want to sign up for a certain job, and the people may think that person is not good enough ; therefore , that person may write an essay arguing that he or she is good enough. Another possibility could be that a person may have been signed up for a certain job or something else and they have to write an argumentative essay to get in.

  46. When applying for collage you have to write an essay saying why this collage should accept you and why you want to go to this collage.

  47. Being a very argumentative writer can help u in life, as in like if u needed something from u parents but u knew they wouldn't give it to you.

  48. it could help you in the journey of your life

  49. Being a good argumentative writer can come in handy if you are on the debate team in middle school, high school, or college. If you are on the debate team then you have to be able to be given a topic and state why its important, better, or what it's benefits are. The ability to argue your topic and give good support and details could help you win your debate event.

  50. An argumentative essay would be great for a commercial or a piece of writing that tries to persuade someone because when you are with one side of the argument it will be an argumentative essay because you aren't agreeing both sides you are putting all your evidence to one side so that person will be persuaded enough to be on your side

  51. An argumentative essay would be useful when you are trying to convince an adult that you are telling the truth and that you weren't lying.

  52. If your into to politics and you want to be president you have to argue how you want to make the world better

  53. An argumentative essay is like a commercial because they are against another product but they're trying to persuade the person watching to buy the product they are trying to sell to make people think that their product is better than the product that they are against.

    1. Kelenicia Moore
      I agree with Sam because in a Colgate commercial, the give their benefits opposed to other toothpaste product's weaknesses.

  54. An argumentive essay cane help you in the journey of your life. It could be a important multipropose tool. Also you can use it to prove something or argument about something.

  55. an effective argumentative writer will help you in life by giving you advice.

  56. An argumentative essay helps you to stand up for yourself and believe what you want to believe. Example you want something because you deserve it. You need facts and evidence to prove that you deserve it.

  57. An argumentative statement or an essay can help you with debates or your job. For example if you have a debate at your school you can have a great argumentative essay for that particular debate.

  58. If you are making a commercial you to have to convenience the person the buy the product that you advertising.

  59. An argumentative writer will help you in life if you have good evidence to back up the situation. For example, red vs blue you can use your evidence to back up if you disagree with red or blue, maybe both. :)

  60. An argumentative essay is good a law in the govt. let's say obama wants to make white people slaves in order to pass that law through it would have to go through all the branches of govt for it to be a law.during that process i am pretty sure nobody would like that so they would have to argue about it so it don't get passed.

  61. An effective argumentative writer will later help you later in life you wanted to be a lawyer. Lawyers have to argue with other lawyers to be effective in court. Therefore, being a argumentative writer can help you in the career in law.

  62. Argumentative essays are something you want to be good at because not only does it give you an organized argument, but it also makes your argument seem stronger. When two scientists are fighting over whether or not evolution exists, they both gather physical evidence along with other evidence to make their side seem stronger. If you're good with argumentative essays, it would be easier to get others to side with you. The scientist with a stronger claim and more convincing evidence would be believed more rather the weaker claim with little evidence. -Cassidy R.

  63. Argumentative essays help you say what you want by giving people your own perspective on the topic, allow the audience to see someone else s opinion on the discussion or topic.

  64. it will help you by making a job choice that suits being good at argumentative writing

  65. I believe that argumentative skills can help when you are trying to convince your parents to do something. Say you are convincing your mom to get a puppy/dog. You could easily present her with some pros with the argumentative skills. Or if you want to convince your parents to take you and your sibling to go get a treat, you could provide reasons why you deserve it. In the end, argumentative skills can help you with some certain daily tasks. :)

  66. When you have a good argumentative essay,is when you can make some one agree with you.Like when there are people trying to sell something,they are persuading you to buy it.

  67. if i was president i would make speeches to help persuade citizens to male the world a better place

  68. Being a good argumentative writer can help you if you want to go into politics. You could broadcast your campaign message to tons of people and persuade them to vote for you and agree with your ideas.

