Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Bell Work: Tuesday, April 5th

Bell Work Question of the Day
What is the difference between a job and a career? Is there a difference?

Don't forget to add your name to the comments for bell work credit!!


  1. A job is usually a temporary, while a career is something you do for a life time

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. A job is something you may not want to and is not forever, and a career is something you want to do for your whole life.

  4. a job is temporary and just for money, but a career is a long term goal

  5. A job is short-term, and a career is long-term.

  6. job is temporary career is for the rest of your life.

  7. A job may not last for a long time but a career is something that lasts for many years.

  8. A job is working for temporary and a career is something you want to work for the rest of your life.

  9. A job is temporary and just for money, but a career is something you may want to do until retirement

  10. A job is basically a career and a career is basically something you can do for the rest of your life. There is really no difference

  11. a job is not a life long thing, unlike a career its more long term

  12. A job is usually temporary and a career is something that you studied for and is something you do for a lifetime

  13. A job is usually just temporary work and tasks. However, a career is a more permanent, general field of work that guides you to what your jobs may be in the future.

  14. a career is for a very long time while a job is temporary

  15. a job is a occupation that is temporary and a career is more like a long-term occupation.

    Lizeth Camacho

  16. A job is where you work for something to get money and a career is a goal that you work for.

  17. (Malik Jeffery) A job is not going to last as long as a career. A job is something you would do for a few years and a career is for the rest of your life.

  18. shawnee; add me on insta @shawnnee.wApril 5, 2016 at 6:23 AM

    A job is something to do just to get money for it, if you like it or not. An a career is something that you have been planing to do and you like doing it,and you get paid.

  19. A job inst much different from a career but some people usually gets a job to support something as a career is something you will study for and work for the rest of your life.

  20. Yes, there is a difference because a job is not long term but a career is life long. (ally)

  21. a job is temporary but a career is your job forever. - Ambria

  22. a career is for a very long time while a job is temporary

  23. A career is something that you stay with and a job you go from one job to another fam. peace out i love you mehico. (Cameron W)

  24. A job is a temporary career.While a career is a long term job.
    -Anthony H.

  25. The difference between a job and a career is that a job is something temporary such as working at a fast food restaurant. A career is more permanent, and usually has better pay and requires some level of a college education.

  26. A job is temporary, a career is what you can do for your whole life

  27. Yes, there is a difference. A job is something is that isn't going to be your final job forever. A career is something that is your final job, and that is life long.

  28. A job is you do sometimes just to make money, but a career is something you go to college for.

  29. A job is usually a temporary, while a career is something you do for a life time

  30. A job may be only temporary for a few months, while a career is what you do for a living for years.

  31. A job and a career are different. Jobs are usually just for a short amount of time, while a career is more permanent. When you have a job you usually do not have to go to school for it, but when you have a career you have to go to school for many years, such as a doctor.

  32. A job is something you got hired to do for a pay and it may not be something you want to do.
    A career is your job that you shaped your life around because you strongly like it. You also get paid but it is something you choose to do rather than just take the job for money.

  33. A job is a thing that last for a short period of time. A career is a lifelong thing that you enjoy and want to do.

  34. A job is something that anyone can apply for like the average Bob, however a career is something to have to study in for a specific amount of years.

  35. A job is temporary and a career is long-term.

  36. A job is something you do for a little wile. a career is something you do for a long time.

  37. a job is like a job that you can get such as I called a quit job bet a career is like a something you will have forever.

  38. yes, there is a difference between a job and a career because a career is position that is for a longer period of time but a job is a shorter term position.

  39. A job is what you do to earn money, you can lose it. A career is something that you do for your whole life, for example, that what your job focuses on.

  40. A job is when you get paid for something quick and easy that usually doesn't last long on its own. A career is when you get paid for something hard yet efficient that in most cases sticks with them until retirement and pays better than a simple job would.

  41. Yes there is a difference because a job is short term and a career is a life long thing. A career is something that you study and work very hard for to do for the rest of your life. However a job you only have it to help find a career to look for. You do not have to study anything for a job but you do when getting a career.

  42. A job is more temporary and most likely will not last your whole life, while a career will be worked on for the rest of your life.

  43. There is a difference. A job is something short term(working at a fast food place). A career can be a lifelong job someone would take

  44. There is a difference between these two. A job is mostly short term. A career is long term.

  45. A job is in short term for cash while a career is long term

  46. a career is a life-long thing you have studied for and enjoy a job is mostly a short term role to fill in and earn cash

  47. Andrew KanjanaboutApril 5, 2016 at 8:19 AM

    The difference is that a a job is not a permanent thing to do but a career is like your lifetime thing.

  48. Autumn WittenmeierApril 5, 2016 at 8:19 AM

    A job is something short term and a career is something that you will do more long term.

  49. a career is long term and a job is short term

  50. A career is a life long thing or place that you work at. A job is a temporary thing that allows you to make a little bit of money, but not as much as a career.

  51. A career is a thing that you usually do throughout your life because it is something that you have always wanted to do and a job is temporary where you do a certain job for the money but you actually don't like it that much.

  52. The difference between a job and a career is that a job can be temporary.A job can also be short term. In contrast a career could involve a long term period and perhaps a life time.

  53. The difference between these two are, a job is something you do just to get stuff done, a career is a what you dreamed of doing it something you do for a living.

  54. there is a difference a career is more life long and a job is more temporary.

  55. A job is something that you do temporarily and a career is the thing you went to college for and you work in that field and you do that for the rest of your life.

  56. A job is like something you do not do you whole life its more like just a period of time . A career is more like something you will do for a long term something you go to college for and study.

  57. A career is something that you have been interested in and have devoted a lot of your time to. A job is something you feel like you need to take some time to do for the money.

  58. There is a difference between a job and a career. A job is somewhere you work for a short time. It isn't a long term job like a career

  59. Jobs are only temporary and careers are long term.

  60. a job is something that you dont plan on doing for life such as like working at a fast food place. a Career is something you have went to school for or have worked hard to get to such as a doctor or teacher.

  61. A job is usually something that someone has until they can get something that they would like to keep and a career is something that is permanent and someone does everyday

  62. A career is a lifelong dream that you choose and thats best for you. A job is a short time thing that earns you cash.

  63. the difference between a job and a career a job is something you do for a period of time for cash, but a career is something you do for the rest of your life.

  64. A career is something you do for most of your life , and a job is staying at a certain place for a short period of time.

  65. there is difference between a job and a career is in a job it can be temperately and a career is a passion and it something you might want to do for the rest of your life

  66. job is like workin part time at wendy's so u can buy some like shoes or sum else, but a career is like sports or like bein the manager at like mcdonalds or a corporation-jordan

  67. A job is something you got hired to do for money. a career is what you do for a living.

  68. A job is a piece of work you do for pay while a career is a task of work that you enjoy and can make a life out of.

  69. a job may be temporary but a career is long term.

  70. A job is something that is not permanent; however a career is something that is permanent. A career is something you do for life and a job is something that is not life long.

  71. (McKenzie Shelton) A job is something temporary while a career is something permanent or your passion. A job is something like a fast food worker. An example of a career is a doctor or teacher. Careers are something you have to work up to and/or go to college for a certain amount of years.

  72. The difference between a job and a career is that when you have a job you don't have it for a long period of time and if you are in a career you are in that until retirement.

  73. Kaylee Adcock-AndrewsApril 5, 2016 at 9:17 AM

    A career is something that you enjoy doing and long-term. A job is temporary, or does not last very long.

  74. Jamar ¯\_(ツ)_/¯April 5, 2016 at 9:18 AM

    A job is just something you do (and probably hate) to get some extra $$$. A career is something you enjoy doing and doesn't make you h8 your life...

  75. A career is a job you do for a long period of time while a job is temporary. HAYDEN BLACK

  76. a job is something you can do without college experience like a gas station clerk and is temporary. A career is something you plan on doing for your whole life and may need college experience for example a athletic career.

  77. A job can be changed throughout your life while a career is something you do for life and is permanent.A career can also be something that you love to do or is your passion.A job is changeable and can be something you don't like to do.

  78. The difference between a job and a career is that when you have a job you don't have it for a long period of time and if you are in a career you are in that until retirement.

  79. The diffrence between a job and a carrer is that a job is what you do in the carraer and the carier is all the jobs that you do in the carier

  80. A job is something that is temporary that you are doing to make money before you get into a career, and a career is a job you want to do for a living that you would like to do. (Aiden Hobt)

  81. job is a job and a career is a career

  82. A job is a paying task that you do not enjoy doing, and you only do it to survive. However, career is a paying task that you enjoy doing for a living. (Iyana Grantham)

  83. a job is temporary but as a career that is something that you work hard for rather than an job is a fast food place and a career is like a doctor, and you also have to go to college for a career

  84. A career is for a longer amount of time. Something you went to college for and want to do. While a job is for a short time and only for extra or small amounts of money.

  85. Devianna Oum (@yogirlwce_)April 5, 2016 at 9:20 AM

    A career is something permanent that you do and a job is something temporary that you do.

  86. A job is a something you do for money to take care of yourself and normally isn't permanent, such as a server or cashier. A career is a goal that you want to achieve and you still work, but its a living that you enjoy doing day to day, for example, a chef or a teacher. A career usually needs certain degrees of education, but a job can start at a certain age and education doesn't matter.

  87. A job is a temporary job like a job that you do not plan to stay along with but you do it for the big bucks like KFC. A career is a specific job that you study for and usually careers pay better. For example like an Orthodontist's job.

  88. A career is something you do for life. A job is something temporary.

  89. A career is something that has multiple jobs. For example, a cop is a career. But for a job, you can have a job like CSI or SWAT or maybe even you can handle the police station's money. A career is a general job description that can branch out into many jobs.

    - Ryne Tomerlin

  90. A job is something that does not require a school education. A career is something that requires a school education, and that you would want to do for a while.

  91. job- temporary
    career- is something you love to do for maybe a long time
    jasmine b.

  92. A job is a temporary job that you can quit at any moment and you dont need to go to collage but a career is where you gone have to go to collage and you have to stay at that career till you retire.

  93. A job is not what you want to do. But a career its what you want to work for.

    1. you are not Jesus Jesus is my savior

    2. Jesus has been resurrected.. again.

  94. a career is something you want to do a job is something you need

  95. A job is something that you do and the will pay you for what you did

  96. job is temporary career is something you are planning on going through with

  97. A career is only temporary but a job is permanent unless you choose to leave and find another job that actually interests you.


  98. kaleb baker aka swaggmasterApril 5, 2016 at 11:15 AM

    A job is a something you do for money to take care of yourself and normally isn't permanent, such as a server or cashier. A career is a goal that you want to achieve and you still work, but its a living that you enjoy doing day to day, for example, a chef or a teacher. A career usually needs certain degrees of education, but a job can start at a certain age and education doesn't matter.

  99. A job is just a temporary and you do not spend like a year or two in college or university. A career you work hard and go school for this.

  100. a career is a pathway that you want to go into a job is what you actually do and work for everyday

  101. A career is more like a profession and something you wanna go through with while a job is usually temporary.

  102. A job is short term and a career is long term

  103. A job is a something you do for money to take care of yourself and normally isn't permanent, such as a server or cashier. A career is a goal that you want to achieve and you still work, but its a living that you enjoy doing day to day, for example, a chef or a teacher. A career usually needs certain degrees of education, but a job can start at a certain age and education doesn't matter.

  104. A job is something that you work for in order to provide for your family. A career is only temporary until you find a job.

  105. a job is temporary and a career is something your passionate about.

  106. A job is a temporary assignment for pocket money where as in comparison, a career is a long term position that you would invest a lot of time and focus into.

  107. Yes there is a difference. A job is not usually permanent and you may do it for extra money; a career is something you feel passionate about that you do after you get a degree, it is usually permanent. ( by Claire Harris)

  108. a job is short term compared to a career is what you want to do in till you retire

  109. A job can change, a career is something that places into a job. BOOM!

  110. Kelenicia Moore a career is long term and a job is more of a temporary thing.

  111. A job is a temporary career while a career is permanent. If you were to change careers you could branch off to something similar to your career.

  112. A job is when you just need to fill out an application and you will probably get the job. You also do not need to take years of college because it is only temporary. On the other hand, a career you need to go to school and work hard for. This is usually a permanent job until you retire.

  113. a job a a short term thing and a career is a long term ambition

  114. A job is something that you work for in order to provide for your family. A career is only temporary until you find a job.

  115. A job is something you do just to earn money. While a career is something you like to do for a living.

  116. Kaysun ManivongApril 19, 2016 at 7:20 AM
    The Ode had rhyme scheme,emotion,and stanzas.So, I think that it has met all of the requirements.


    Megan BailliezApril 19, 2016 at 7:21 AM
    You used all the requirements for instance, rhyme scheme, stanzas, emotional vocabulary,


    AnonymousApril 19, 2016 at 7:21 AM
    you have met all your requirements for you ode and the rhyme schemes and all


    franky lugardoApril 19, 2016 at 7:21 AM
    1.)you have used a rhyme scheme
    2.)you used emotional vocabulary
    3.)you put it in stanza form
    4.)and you used figurative language


    Sidney WaldenApril 19, 2016 at 7:21 AM
    You met the requirements of using emotion, figurative language, and a rhyme scheme.


    Samuel N.April 19, 2016 at 7:21 AM
    You forgot to talk to the audience about the No Name Paper, and chose to talk to it throughout most of the ode. Other than that, you meet all the requirements.


    Jefte PerezApril 19, 2016 at 7:25 AM
    You met the recognizable rhyme scheme, emotional vocabulary, and stanzas. You didn't use figurative language.


    Lane SprouseApril 19, 2016 at 7:26 AM
    the ode has a rhyme scheme because all of the stanzas have the last two lines that rhyme. you had emotional vocab such as abandoned, ashamed lazy.


    Hunter NolandApril 19, 2016 at 7:55 AM
    Figurative language is missing.


    Seth LewisApril 19, 2016 at 8:15 AM
    You met rhyme scheme, but didn't meet Figurative Language.


    Dereshia BenfordApril 19, 2016 at 8:17 AM
    You had a rhyme scheme and you have them in stanzas. The thing that you didn't do is use figurative language.

  117. 1. Playing high school
    2. Getting in trouble like usual
    3. The conflict was her trying to find somewhere to eat lunch
