Thursday, April 7, 2016

Friday, April 8th - Bell Work and Biography Resources

Happy Friday!
The second piece of your multi-genre writing project is a biography or interview. Although they both involve a person, the format and content are quite different. 

What are the main differences between a biography and interview? Which one do you think gives a better understanding of what your chosen person is like? Explain.  (Pay attention: this is a two-part question).

Here are some resources that we will discuss today. These websites should serve as a starting point for your research.

Biography Website
Britannica Website
The Famous People
20 Most Innovative Surgeons Alive!
Top 10 Celebrity Lawyers


  1. interview is when somebody asks you questions and you answer them. a biography is you writing about yourself .

  2. An interview is when you directly speak to the person you are questioning, and a biography is a more indirect format of getting info. It would be easier for me to do a biography because it would be very hard to contact the person I am researching.

  3. A biography is a book written about a person that another author wrote. An Interview is a one on one talk with the person in real life.
    An Interview would give more understanding of what a person is like because a biography is not written by the person, but an interview is with the person in real life. If you use a biography you can only go off of what the writer says about the person

  4. A biography is a book written by the person who the book is about. An interview is when a person asks the other person questions about their life or a certain topic.

  5. A biography is when a famous person writes about his/her life. An interview is when a non famous person or famous person is being talked to live on the television. A biography gives a better understanding of a person because it tells about their life.

  6. Interview is where a person ask questions about a person and they answer it and an biography is a story or article about a person. I think an interview is more of an understanding of what the person is like because its face to face.

  7. An interview is when you speak directly with that person asking them questions about their life. An biography is when an author writes a book on that persons life based off facts and evidence.

  8. A biography is someone else's writing and point of view of another person's life, while an interview is when you are talking to someone and recording their exact words for your own piece of writing. I believe that that the interview will give a better understanding of the person being interviewed. If you are talking to the person directly, then how they react to certain things and what they say will show you what their actual character is like.

  9. A biography is a when another author writes about another person. An interview is when you directly ask the person questions. I like doing interviews more because I can count on a direct answer from the person.

  10. A interview is where you ask your chosen person questions about themselves. A biography is form of media used to document a person's life. With my chances to talk to said chosen person slim, a biography will probably be more beneficial.

  11. An interview when you get answers from the person you want to learn about. A biography is a book or an article that has been made from research that tells about a person.

  12. An interview is when you go face to face and ask questions and answer them,but a biography is when someone else takes information on someone and writes about them.

    I think a biography is better because you'll get way more information than you would from an interview.

  13. A interview is when a person ask questions and you answer them.A biography is a book written about someone.

  14. shawnee , follow me on insta @shawnnee.wApril 8, 2016 at 6:26 AM

    A interview is when you are actually getting the information yourself and your a primary source. An a biography is when you get it from somebody else and your a secondary source

  15. An interview is face to face and a biography is about your own life. I would most likely choose Interview if I wanted to know more about a person,but if others wanted to know about my life and what I am like I would choose a biography.
    (Malik Jeffery)

  16. A biography is when someone interviews a person who's well known or famous and writes about that person, and writes about their life story. And other important things about them.

  17. (Matthew A. Farfan III) A biography is the written or recorded life events of someone. An interview is a face-to-face report of someone or something.

  18. an interview is like an answer and question type of talk. a biography is a book written about another persons life. i think an interview is better to know more about your person because its directly answers from the person

  19. a interview is when you ask a person about events that have happened in your life while a biography a overall story of your life in a book and I think a biography gives more of an uderstanding

  20. Biography is your knowledge about yourself, an interview is questions about who,what,you,and,why that you do. A biography would be better because you know more about yourself than others know about you.

    1. lots of mistakes, hard to understand!
      (and why that you do??)

  21. A biography is a piece of writing about a person that you get from many sources and an interview is where you talk to that person and get information from them.I think an interview would give a better understanding simply because you're talking directly to that person.

  22. An interview is when a certain person responds to questions from random people. A biography tells the life of a certain person from a book and doesn't have to be in pressure of answering certain question.

  23. Interview is when say ur like at a job or like applying for a college they ask u like some questions. A Biography is a book written by the person who wrote it- JORDAN

  24. An biography is written information about someone who researched about the person.An interview is someone who is being asked questions about themselves.

  25. An interview is when you directly talk to a person you are researching or getting information about and a biography is finding out the information of a person from some other source and not from the person them self.

  26. an interview is when you are asking someone bout something in their life physically and a biography is when you find different sources such as going to the library or looking online bout someones life

  27. A biography is when a person writes about their life. A interview however is when you directly ask the person about their life

  28. An interview is when a person tells you things about them self and their life. A biography is recorded events from someones life, but is a secondary source. Interviews are the better choice of the two because you are receiving direct answers from a person.

  29. A biography is written on facts that are found via the internet, an interview of some sort, or other primary or secondary sources. In an interview, you are getting all of the information through a primary source, being the person you are interviewing.

  30. The difference is that a biography is written by someone else while a interview is actually facts coming from that person. The interview is better because all the things that are said are true.

  31. Autumn WittenmeierApril 8, 2016 at 8:42 AM

    A biography is when you get lots of information about someone. An interview is when you ask certain questions for the person to answer. I think a biography gives more information because it is an overview of that person.

  32. Biography is a detailed, written up, paper about someones life. An interview is just asking questions about something and getting answers. A biography would give more of an understanding on the person's life because the paper is for that purpose. The interview is only used to get questions answered.

  33. an interview is more of a q and a and you ask the people the questions and a biography is a secondary source for a persons life. I feel that the is better because the person is directly answering you.

  34. The difference between a biography and an interview is that a biography is a primary source meaning that the person wrote about his or her own life. An interview is where you go and talk to someone ask them questions about their life it is also a primary source. An interview give a better understanding about a person's life because if you interview someone they might share with you something personal that they would never even think of putting in a biography

  35. A biography is a book written about someone else who is well known and famous and a interview is meeting a person face to face and talking to them and asking questions. An interview is more understanding because you get to actually hear it from a person instead of reading it from a book.

  36. A biography is a written piece of writing to tell about a persons life. An interview is when a person explains what they do for a living. I think a biography is a better understanding since it gives detailed and specific understanding of the persons life.

  37. Andrew KanjanaboutApril 8, 2016 at 8:44 AM

    The main difference between a interview and a biography is that a interview is in person and the biography is written about you. The biography is all the information about you all written down and the interview is like a in person and asking questions thing. The biography would give a better understanding than an interview because it usually has more information than the interview.

  38. an interview is when people ask you questions about you but a biography is when you you choose what to talk about.

  39. A interview is when you are talking to a owner or something and they are asking you questions. A biography is a book or written thing of someones life.

  40. Elchapo is love Elchapo is life.

  41. An interview is when a person tells you things about themself and their life. A biography is events from a persons life. Interviews are when you ask that one person or group a series of questions.

  42. A biography is written by someone other than the subject and usually is based on the author's opinion of the person. An interview is a series of questions that your subject answers with their own opinion. An interview gives a better understanding of the person you chose because it is their own opinionated answers, but a biography is based off of what you would say about your person, a biography is biased.

  43. An interview is when you are getting asked questions from someone if applying for a job. A biography is information written about you in a book.(Aiden Hobt)

  44. Devianna Oum (@yogirlwce_)April 8, 2016 at 9:20 AM

    a biography is written about a person's life and an interview is when someone meets another human face to face and asks questions about themselves and their lives.

  45. an interview is were you ask questions to the person and the info you get you can use in the essay
    a biography is a book about someones life or in this case what they did or things about there career.

  46. Kaylee Adcock-AndrewsApril 8, 2016 at 9:21 AM

    An interview is in person, face to face. A biography is a detailed essay or book written about you by another person. I think you get to know a person better in an interview because you call actually talk to them.

  47. An interview is a meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation. A biography is an account of someone's life written by someone else.

  48. The Things different between a biography and a interview is that an interview is where a person will have a choice to tell you fully and that's where they choose to what they say.I think a biography is when a person tells there every single piece of their life and what happened in their life to have this happen to them.I think my person is a better understanding of interview because she is out there, but not way out there to tell about her life.

  49. A biography is written information about a person's life. An interview is a verbal conversation between two people about the person's life. In my opinion, an interview is easier to understand someones life because you can see his or her body language while answering the questions.

  50. A biography is where you write about someone or something, and an interview is where you talk to someone and ask questions to know more about what they do.
    I think that an interview gives a better understanding of what the person is like because you get their first hand accounts of what they think and do with/at the job.

  51. an interview is actually getting information from someone ,but a biography is writing about that someone.

  52. A biography is a research paper about someone's life while a interview is asking a series of questions about what you want to know about them.I think a biography is much better because it gives a detailed overview of the person's life while a interview only concerns questions about what the person wants to know about.

  53. Biography is a written paper about someones life. An interview is asking questions about something and getting answers. A biography would give more of an understanding on the person's life because it will tell information about the person.

  54. Interview is a series of question will a biography is like a presentation about something.

  55. An interview is a a meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation and a biography is an account of someone's life written by someone else.

  56. A biography is writing about someone and their life. An interview is meeting someone face to face.

  57. A biography is writing about someone and their life. An interview is meeting someone face to face. ~ Cole M

  58. I think an interview can help get to know the person more. That they can let them open up more.

  59. The Things different between a biography and a interview is that an interview is where a person will have a choice to tell you fully and that's where they choose to what they say.I think a biography is when a person tells there every single piece of their life and what happened in their life to have this happen to them.I think my person is a better understanding of interview because she is out there, but not way out there to tell about her life.

  60. A biography will most likely get more personal than an interview and ,in my opinion, a biography will show who the true person is rather than an interview.

  61. a interview is face to face asking questions about something. a biography is written by someone describing your life.

  62. (Kelenicia Moore)A interview is a face to face altercation,whereas a biography is a form of writing by that person about their lives.

  63. A biography is when you are writing about someones life, but an interview is when you talk with someone and ask them questions about themselves or something they do or have experienced.

  64. An interview is when you have a one on one talk with a person and ask them questions. When a biography is a story of a person's life.

  65. An interview is where someone ask a series of questions, while a biography is based on the person life by someone else. It's mostly based on who you are researching if it better interview or biography.

  66. A biography is a written piece about some one elses life, on the other hand an interview is a face to face meeting with the person you're gathering info about and asks them questions.

  67. A biography is written about a person's life and an interview is when someone meets another human face to face and asks questions about themselves and their lives.

  68. A biography is written about a person's life and an interview is when someone meets another human face to face and asks questions about themselves and their lives.

  69. Audrey says that the difference between an interview and a biography, is that an interview is where the actual person of the topic is stating their opinions in real life, rather than in a biography, where the author picks and chooses what they want in the article.

  70. An interview is when you talk to a person and ask them to answer a series of questions or to, occasionally, give additional information;however, a biography is information about a certain person's life written by someone else based on gathered information. (By Claire Harris)

  71. An interview is meeting someone and asking them some questions that you came up with and a biography is researching someone and writing a short book about them and their life, career, etc...
    An interview helps more because you can actually get to know the person and ask them any questions that you have.

  72. Audrey says that the difference between an interview and a biography, is that an interview is where the actual person of the topic is stating their opinions in real life, rather than in a biography, where the author picks and chooses what they want in the article.

  73. an interview is when you ask questions about someone and interview that person to get info about another person. A biography is a book or online source that you get more info from about that specific person. My opinion i think that the biography would be a more reliable source for info.

  74. A biography is where someone talks about their life in their own perspective. A interview is when you ask questions to get information about someone and what their response is (dagem).

  75. An interview is a meeting of 2 or more people in contact (online or in real life) and talking about the person's life. While a biography is an account of someone's life written by someone else. I believe that a interview is much better because the person you are interviewing can give a personal statement on a question that you are asking. (Ryan Tran)

  76. An interview is meeting someone face to face and asking them questions.A biography is information about someones life written by someone else.A biography is better because it gives you all the information you need to know.(Kristian L.)

  77. jennifer montero ((:April 8, 2016 at 11:27 AM

    An interview is when you ask a person questions face to face. A biography is a piece of writing about someone's life. An interview is a better choice because it is more recent and they live through it almost everyday.

  78. hello is it me your looking for
